Shipper News

Who Protects Technology Drivers and Shippers?

Recent incidents in Hanoi and Da Nang, where delivery workers were assaulted, have raised significant public concern due to their severity and unusual violent nature. These cases may reflect a worrying trend of increasing violence in modern society.

On February 14, the Tay Ho District Police in Hanoi initiated legal proceedings and detained Tống Anh Tuấn, 43, residing in Phuong Liet Ward, Thanh Xuan District, on charges of “Intentional Infliction of Injury.” Tuấn is accused of using his hands, feet, and a helmet to beat Nguyễn Xuân Hưng, a delivery worker, in Alley 310 Nghi Tam, Tay Ho District, resulting in Hưng suffering a cerebral concussion with a 3% injury rate.

Earlier, in Da Nang, a male delivery worker was fatally beaten by three individuals, who were subsequently prosecuted for “Intentional Infliction of Injury.”

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Dr. Đào Trung Hiếu, a criminologist, stated that these assaults signify an escalation of violence in resolving personal conflicts. In the context of rapid urbanization, increased life pressures, and diminishing social cohesion, minor disputes can easily escalate into violence. Alarmingly, such behaviors are becoming “normalized” in certain social segments, especially when they spread unchecked on social media without timely intervention from the community and authorities.

Dr. Hiếu emphasized that if these violent acts are not strictly controlled and punished, there is a real risk of spontaneous violent actions increasing in daily life, threatening social order and safety.

These assaults negatively impact various societal aspects, from public security to community psychology. For the delivery industry, such incidents heighten insecurity among delivery workers, who already face risks like traffic accidents, fraud, and unsafe working conditions. In the long term, this may lead some workers to leave the profession, putting pressure on the delivery system—a crucial link in the digital economy.

For the community, these violent incidents not only induce fear but also erode trust in a safe living environment, especially in densely populated urban areas. Social media, with its rapid dissemination, can amplify negative psychological effects, turning isolated incidents into broader public anxieties.

To prevent similar incidents, Dr. Hiếu suggests close coordination among authorities, businesses, and the community. Authorities and legal agencies should intensify legal education and organize campaigns to raise awareness about civilized behavior. Simultaneously, strict punishment of violent acts is necessary to deter and prevent future occurrences.

Delivery companies should train their workers in communication and conflict resolution skills. Providing emergency support channels or insurance can help them feel more secure while working.

The community should enhance its role in monitoring and responding promptly when witnessing violent acts. Timely intervention by bystanders or authorities can prevent serious consequences from the outset.

These assaults on delivery workers are not merely individual incidents but also serve as warnings about deeper social issues. Addressing these problems at their root requires collective efforts from authorities, businesses, and every citizen. Only by fostering a safe and civilized environment can we effectively prevent violent behaviors, protect workers, and maintain public order.

Discussing the Hanoi assault case, Dr. Đặng Văn Cường, a lawyer, noted that the Lexus driver’s actions were aggressive and showed a blatant disregard for the law, indicating signs of “Intentional Infliction of Injury” and “Disturbance of Public Order.” Even if the victim’s injury rate is below 11%, if the act is deemed “of a hooligan nature” or involves dangerous instruments against someone unable to defend themselves, criminal prosecution is still possible under Article 134 of the Penal Code.

In this case, it’s noteworthy that the delivery worker is disabled, missing a hand. This detail exacerbates the severity of the incident, representing a serious violation of social ethics and law, warranting strict legal consequences for the perpetrator.

Source: Phụ Nữ Việt Nam